. And he loooooves his toys. He really loves the guitar Nana got for him, but he gets so excited about it when he sees it that he gets a wee bit violent and I'm afraid he's just gonna smash the hell out of it if left unsupervised with it for even a fraction of a second!! He loves all of his Elmos, ALL of his Elmos, and I can now hear that evil falsetto giggle like a hatchet attack every night in my dreams.
. Mommy and Daddy scored a touch down with the inflatable ball crawl playland we got for him. I don't know where we are going to put it though.....
. And a huge, HUGE thank you too the person who wrote down what gifts he received from whom in his baby book. I can never, ever, ever remember that stuff and it always makes me feel like such a jerk! But now we know who to thank and who take take hits out on with a written document of his plunder. Those who gave loud Elmos (I'm lookin at you, Sis), will be remembered when we can afford retribution.
. Again, thanx so very, very much to everybody for their love and support. It makes me so happy and proud that our boy has so many incredible people in his life. I can't wait to see what the future holds and how he's going to grow and what kind of character he'll be and all that jazz.... ugh, I love that spoiled little monster!!!!
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