He's doin better. So far, so good. I'm not sure what day it was, Tuesday maybe, but he threw up a lot and we were gettin worried about him again but we've remained incredibly diligent and have givin him formula or pedialyte whenever he wants, as much as he wants. Yesterday was really good. He ate every hour or hour and a half and only took two to three ounces, but he kept it all down and his diarrhea is lightening up a bit. That was becoming a major concern too. But, I just fed him some applesauce mixed with formula and oatmeal flakes and he took a couple ounces of that. His first solid food in several days. The first solid food he kept down in almost a week. Yeesh. Fear not, though! The little warrior Bear has maintained his jubilatious attitude through it all, as he always does. GAH!!! I can't say enough how much I love that nasty little monster!! I just wanna gobble him up!!! He just blows my friggin mind. He goes through so much, and he keeps on truckin. Both figuratively and literally. From the obvious big stuff like his initial surgeries to how he tackles a stack of toys that might block his path. He takes it all head on, and he keeps doin it 'till it's done. He doesn't get that from me, I can tell ya that fer sure. I may have helped with his sunny disposition but I do not posses his tenacity and will, and that part of his character puts me in awe. He's not even twenty pounds and I admire him. I'm gonna be such a terrible father when he gets older, I'll let him get away with everything. Fortunately I know Mommy is aware of this and is already pretty good at sniffin out my brand of trouble. She's got that natural mommy instinct but I think that the year or so we lived together before Baron was born really helped prime her for the things that are to come.
Like a storm boiling on the horizon.
Joyous trouble.
Mayhem and mischief.
Dark glee.
Hide the breakables.
I honestly don't think they could make them any cuter.