I completely forgot to mention Baron's first trip to Oaks Park!! Silly Daddy!! It was for Nana Debbie's company picnic last Saturday and it was a gorgeous day all around. We ate hot dogs, played with some soccer balls, he went on the carousel, we all rode the train and went on my favorite ride several times; the water misters!! I love those things!! Baron does too. After standing in line waiting to get on the train under the relentless oppression of the mid day sun I was dying to walk through those sweet, sweet water misters. I think that they should be installed in a lot more public places!

He is getting soooooo big!!! Everyday he gets bigger. It's very unsettling. He eats all day long and it's a struggle to find high calorie, high fat snacks that aren't complete junk. Cheese is about the best 'cause he loves it and it keeps everything.... um... together. I put peanut butter in his breakfast but he doesn't like it if he can see it on his food. OH!! Oh!, Oh!, did I tell you? It's the most heartbreaking thing!!; He doesn't seem to care for chocolate!! I know that he shouldn't have chocolate at this point and I should be thankful that he doesn't beg for it like I do but REALLY!! How could a child O' mine not love chocolate? It just makes me question some fundamental ideas that I've always just assumed were plain truth. I just don't know what to believe anymore......

When we went to The Dalles on Sunday we stopped to drive through the 'fruit loop' in the Hood River Valley. The Judge and I decided that, after we win the lottery, we will move into a nice little farm nestled back in the Hood River Valley and spend our days working on our land and enjoying the 'fruits' (HA!) of our labors. Sounds delicious. If you're gonna dream, DREAM BIG! So, we thought it would be great to have a farm and on that farm have a restaurant with a bed and breakfast on top. We would serve fresh produce our farm, as well as others in the area, and encourage guests to go out and pick their own produce, maybe throw in some cooking classes and offer suggestions on the multitude of activities available in any direction and put more focus on families and kids specifically. We can tell you that not very many bed and breakfasts cater to kids. I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty rad to me.
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