. I was worried a month or so ago that he was going to be a real bratty kid. The signs were there and I was preparing myself for dealing with him in a state of near constant tantrum (his tantrums, not mine!). But he's really come around this month and has started doing things and helping out in ways that make me so much more than proud. Mommy has taught him to throw away his dirty diapers in the trash can after each changing and he's so happy to do it. Whenever he drops his bottle and we ask him to pick it up he'll promptly pick it up and set it on the table, right side up. When we say it's time for bed he'll grab his blanket and head for the room, usually before we are actually ready for him to do so. However, getting him to STAY in bed can be a different story but I'm trying to sing his praises here so we won't go into that at the moment. He pets the kitty very nicely. He's never really been very rough with her, hasn't grabbed hand fulls of hair or things like that. But I believe that he's aware of her ferocity and recognizes her as something not to be trifled with. He does like to test his boundaries and do things that he darn well KNOWS he's not supposed to do, but he will stop when told to and that makes me very happy. It's little things like these that he continues to do on a daily basis that give me so much hope that our son is going to be a good kid.
But, I'm no fool. Time will reveal the truth.
And we'll love him either way.
We had an early morning play session at Clackamas Mall yesterday morning. He usually needs a major diaper change after the long drive from dropping Mommy off at work in Hillsboro to the Mall in Clackamas and I'm not ashamed to admit that I enjoy throwing that first nasty diaper of the day into the Mall's trash can instead of ours here at home. Yesterday I let him play with my phone while I did the deed and it took less than thirty seconds for him to activate the camera on my phone and he started taking pictures of me while I was changing his diaper. Gah, I love this kid!! He already exhibits far more technical proficiency than his old man has ever possessed.
Yesterday was our first daytime Daddy Play Group! It was great! It's almost like a completely different play group because both of us have way more energy at 10 a.m. than we do at 6 p.m. so I can keep up with him better and he's more involved with the group instead of going off to be the Little Lone Ranger like he usually does. The plan is to have the first three Fridays of the month at the community center and the fourth Friday of the month will be a field trip somewhere like OMSI or something similar. How cool is that? We can't wait to go back to OMSI!!
Ooops, he says it's time for Daddy to stop blogging and start engaging!! Later!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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