I remember when I was younger I would hear the older folk talk about this big ball of fire that would light up the sky all day long and it could even get real hot sometimes. But I thought they were just stories. Until a couple of weeks ago. I saw the Sun.! Whoah, so unreal! It was all bright and warm and stuff and even made the back of my neck all red and hurty but I didn't care 'cause the Sun made me want to have fun. And I did. I like the Sun and I hope it stays, at least for a while until people start wondering where the rain ran off to.
Baron has been having nothin but fun since the weather took a turn for the better. Papa and Nana took us on a beach trip and Baron went to the Aquarium and saw jelly fish and sharks and then he played on the beach. And I took him on the MAX up to the Zoo and he met interesting people at every stop. And a couple of days ago I took him to down town St. John's and he got to play on the play ground equipment at the elementary school AND the play ground equipment at the adjoining preschool. AND THEN I walked him over to the St. John's Park and he played there for a while. I was tired.
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