As soon as we got to Newport we hit the Old Bay Front and checked out the sea lions lazin about below the pier. Then we bought taffy. Why else would anybody go to the coast? Taffy.

After we left the Old Bay Front we hit the Aquarium and Baron had a good time. He really just wanted to be put on the floor so he could hit it at his pace but we couldn't let him do that. Sorry buddy.

He wasn't really too thrilled about most of the exhibits but he did enjoy the jelly fish. I think he could've stared at them softly float through their tank all day long. I think I could too.

He also really liked the walk through shark exhibit but then he found the totally awesome floor lights and that was the best part of the aquarium for him. The little floor lamps. Yep. Floor lamps. But hey, he also really loves ceiling fans!! Who doesn't? I mean, really?! I love the aquarium and all that but I think I could've saved myself thirty bonez and just walked him through a hardware store for free. He would've loved that as much, if not more, than the aquarium. eh.

It was a great trip though. We ended up having chowder at this little mom and pops cafe at six o'clock in Garibaldi(?) and it was great chowder. And the people who owned and opperated the joint really were Mom and Pop. Some old couple, and when I walked in I felt like I had just been welcomed into their home dining room and kitchen, not some little tourist stop on the way to somewhere more popular. I'm not a big fan of Moe's chowder. I've tasted some to-die-for chowders along the Oregon Coast that would send Moe's crying home to her mommie. (Moe was a woman.) The best? the Sea Buouy in Seaside, but if you have your heart set on their chowder you better call ahead 'cause that's the place where all the locals and fishermen get their chowder fix on. It's got a little extra paprika that really makes it come alive in your mouth. (!)
Most toddlers will be just as happy to do anything they can touch and interact with as the things we pay to go see. Everything is new to them, so it is all amazing! Glad you got to go out to the beach. It is always one of my favorite places to go :) The hubby and I have thought about getting a little house some day to retire to. Some day far in the future!