Monday, January 3, 2011

Juggling the lung butter

He's had a nasty cough for the last couple of days. Deep down, gurgling, raspy coughs that make me want to put a rag on a stick and swab it down his throat to get at the junk that's plaguing him. Sounds like a jet trying to take off in a giant vat of gooey molasses. Poor lil' monster. It doesn't matter though, that nasty cough can't slow him down any more than anything else that life has thrown at him so far. Just one more pitiful obstacle to be pushed aside on his way to world conquest. Sometimes he'll cough and stop to put value to the taste then continue forward with a look of contempt for a sickness that could do no better than that.
We visited Ollie and Andy last week for a little while. it's so good for all four of us when we hang out. The little ones love the interaction, even if they seem to spend most of their time trying to take toys from each other. On this last visit Baron found something that may be more powerful than he; hugs. Yes, hugs. Adorable little Ollie approached Baron several times with his arms spread out and tried to give Bam Bam Baron a bear hug. I could tell by the look on Baron's face that he now has a definition for cooties. He wanted no part of that action. Priceless.
A time honored law among men is that you do not talk with other men in public restrooms. That's just the way it is. No "hello"'s. No "hey, that shirt looks good on you". No "do you have an extra hair tie I can have?". If a man has a heart attack or falls and hurts himself in a public men's room he had better hope he's got enough charge left in the battery to make it out the door or he will be on his own until he is face to face with his maker. Unless a man is in the men's room with his child. Then we become a gaggle of chatty Kathie's. It's very weird. Baron and I were in the restroom at Target a few days ago and we had to wait for our turn at the changing table, which NEVER happens, and then another father came in with his own dirty monster to change and we just started shootin the stuff like it's not a forbidden activity. We laughed! Kids, they change all the rules.

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