Friday, November 6, 2009

The maiden voyage.

Wow, a blog all about our little Barbarian Baron Bear. Can one blog handle the awesomeness of Baron's daily exploits and adventures? We'll just have to wait and see.....
He got his first H1N1 swine flu injection yesterday and handled it just fine. That's right, he's even starting to shrug off needle pokes. He's a tank, I'm telling ya, a friggin tank. Now that he's all up on his shots we are a little more open to the idea of letting him play on public play equipment. We were soooooo scared of the possibility of him getting the flu that we were sizing up plastic bubbles for him online. An infant sized hamster ball that we could cram him in and roll down hills and things of that sort. Only the best!!!
His one year birthday is just over a month away. We reserved the banquet room at Stark Street Pizza for the occasion. really isn't much in the way of party places for infants around here, they're all geared towards older kids. Unless you're willing to pay a couple of hundred bucks. Granted, a pizza party at the Portland Children's Museum would be rad, but it ain't cheap. Maybe when he gets older, we can save up a few tax returns or cash in his college fund or something.
He's pulling him self up to a stand everywhere he goes.
He still hasn't given up on catching the cat.
The cat is still aware of this.
He loves to put his mouth on anything metal.
He couldn't care less about the television (thank God!). Unless Elmo's on.
He loves Elmo.
He doesn't like to be made comfortable, he wants to go, go, go.
The only thing he really hates is falling asleep.
He loves to have his picture taken.
He doesn't care for avocados.
That's cause he hasn't tried guacamole yet!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure to tell Auntie Shelley when/what time the party is so she can be there!! I love this site!!
